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In order to keep in contact with our alumni, we’ve recently started an Alumni Network. If you’re an alumni of UCLA and is currently an optometry student, optometrist, or anything in the optometric field, please join our network! 


Alumni Network Form 2022-2023:


Some benefits of our Alumni Network include:

-Network with other UCLA Pre-Opt alumni and current UCLA Pre-Opt members 
-Mentor current pre-opt student (optional, but encouraged!)
-Receive quarterly newsletter regarding updates about club
-Receive an invitation for our annual alumni call/meetup, where we'll be conducting a live Q+A with between current members and UCLA Pre-Opt alumni
-Receive an invitation to annual Optometric Symposium


You can find the most recent edition of our alumni network newsletter here: 

FACEBOOK: Pre-Optometry Society at UCLA

INSTAGRAM: uclapreoptometry


© 2024 Pre-Optometry Society @ UCLA

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